
A Forum for and the Background of the Mediation of Dialogue in Ancient and Modern Academies

Monday, 10 September 2018

Die Heimat (One of the Footnotes to and Two of the Question Marks for the Canadian Permanent Residence)

Die Heimat, Friedrich Hoelderlin

Froh kehrt der Schiffer heim an den stillen Strom
Von fernen Inseln, wo er geerndtet hat;
Wohl möcht’ auch ich zur Heimath wieder;
Aber was hab’ ich, wie Laid, geerndtet? –
Ihr holden Ufer, die ihr mich auferzogt
Stillt ihr der Liebe Laiden? ach! gebt ihr mir,
Ihr Wälder meiner Kindheit, wann ich
Komme, die Ruhe noch Einmal wieder?

The Return takes place continuously; again and again and in each and every moment, you have returned and you are still returning. And it has been and it is homeland, you notice or not. At some point, you might notice. And then, who knows? Look for other poets, who have found their homeland?

PS: I finally found out how exactly to bring the Sophist and the second part of the Parmenides (the two arguments at the beginning of the second deduction in particular) side by side. I am on Owen's side and on the same page with him, though with another story than his own in EN VII. A nice relief, or is it a ... pure joy?
PPS: Within the Glass and Harlemduet (Tarragon Theatre), and Coriolanus (Stratford: brilliant direction that turned the staging into a cinematic experience, and very good acting) a nice chain of avant-garde and culture in the neighbourhood, and King Lear broadcast from the National Theatre London UK will add for sure (McKellen very good the rest of acting average). The circle with interesting and interested people is being further established. No time to experiment with the COC. No, thank you, we are interested in experiencing the Canadians (as anyone else) in their element. Definitely no, thank you.


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